

2000 September was a relaxed mixture of textile and nude. It was not crowded, there were no insects and the beach was litter-free. Recommended by my contributor!

2002 Summer: a report says Chovolo was strictly textile. But at the end there is a large rocky outcrop. Some climbing required and walking through thigh-high water. There: a deserted beach, shady. Perfect. Although: on one day invasion by textile Greek families taken there by water-taxis. Still: large enough to be outside direct visibility. To be recommended.

2003 September: says there were three or four couples, all naturist, and plenty of space.

2005 July: Chovolo was entirely textile. But a pair of Barefoot reporters who visited at the end of the tourist season say that the resort village of Elios was pretty much closed up and Chovolo beach, stretching to the south, was almost deserted. They walked along to the large outcrop - this could be a little tricky over the loose stones on the beach, although there was no need for wading. However, nearer to the outcrop there is more fine shingle and groups of rocks to settle in. They tried to get around the outcrop to explore the tantalising glimpse of empty beach they had earlier glimpsed, but their rock-climbing skills weren't up to it and the sea was too choppy and deep to get around by swimming or wading on that day. In any case, they were very happy where they were. They only saw one (topless) couple and another nudist group on the entire length of the beach. Swimming was good, especially if you walked along to where there was a shingle patch to gain entry to the sea. Highly recommended.

2012: Strictly textile beach. It is possible to strip off depending on where you are (some coves are more suitable than others) and who else is around, but it is not a naturist beach at all.

2024 June: Park close to Madalaki cafe (has the best wi-fi on the island!!!) & start walking towards the left to what looks like an abandoned quarry (the trees on the white cliffs look amazing). Walk on the rocks (put some beach shoes on as on one part you need to walk on a few stones which are washed by the water or alternatively you can hop/climb over them. You'll arrive at a mixed pebble & grey sand beach that is divided into several parts by large white rock formations. If you arrive first you get to decide what type of beach it will be!


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