I’m new to Naturism – help!

Here is part of an email I recently received

My partner and I are looking to ease ourself into a little bit of naturism. We’re not sure how, or where to start, and what the protocols are

and here is a version of my reply. I hope that it helps you.

It’s good that you are looking to try it, and perfectly understandable that that you might be nervous. I think pretty much everyone that hasn’t been introduced to a naturist environment when young feel nervous.

A couple of suggestions for you, if you’ve not found them yet.

My short guide here:

Have a read of this:

My FAQs here:

and the British Naturism Guide here:

They should explain a lot for you. There are numerous naturist (official and unofficial) beaches around the UK. Why not start by going to one of those and just sitting for a couple of hours. Take it step by step. Go topless once/if comfortable once you see that others really aren’t bothered, or there is no-one around.

You can then decide whether you want to go further that visit. Hopefully you can, even if it’s just sitting on a towel naked, rather than taking a dip in the water to start with.

There are naturist spas and clubs and costume-free swim sessions in pools, but whilst everyone would be friendly and welcoming, it may be a bit daunting to make that step. It is easier with two of you as you can support each other!

Other than that, try wandering round the house unclothed, the garden too if you are not too overlooked – or at night. That’s how I got going originally! Just find out what it feels like. It is sooo different.

Hope this all helps. There are nearly 7 Million Naturists in the UK. That’s one in 10. Next time you go out, realise that every 10th person is probably a naturist, you just can’t tell.

Let me know how you get on. If you do go to a beach, I’d love it if you wrote a report and sent through some photos. See the ‘Contribute‘ page. If you want to write a Blog Post about the experience, do let me know.

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