• Love your body
    This page is about Body Confidence Body confidence issues have become a serious problem in many countries, including the UK, especially among young people. They lead to health problems (mental and physical) including eating disorders, reduced social participation, unsafe sex and substance abuse. One contributing factor is acquired attitudes — media-driven, idealised images of the…
  • Why Greece?
    This Blog Post was written by the original Cap’n when the website only covered Greek Islands (and Cyprus). If you’re a naturist and are reading these pages with that interest in mind, the answer will be pretty obvious. When to go Few will want to spend every waking hour flaked out in the sun. The…
  • Going barefoot: A Naturist Guide
    Unsurprisingly, since I call myself Captain Barefoot, I’m often asked if I like going barefoot. This Post was written by the original Cap’n. As a practising naturist, if I’m somewhere where I don’t have to wear anything at all I’m in my element. But if that’s not possible, once the weather gets warm I’m quickly…