Nea Moudania

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Halkidiki 3
Halkidiki 2
Halkidiki 3
Halkidiki 2

Agios Mamas is an excellent sandy beach with a nude bathing area +/- 3 km.

2006: A report from August confirms this information and describes the beach as "amazing". Really big and spacious, excellent sands and water quality, not visible from access road, easy to find a peaceful spot where you are practically alone. In August a Barefoot reporter did not spot any other nudists there apart from himself. Still it was no problem though, the beach is so big that no-one minds, there is plenty of space for everyone; the closest textiles were more than 200m away.

According to a recent report, there has been set a new beach bar and lots of umbrellas for textiles near the Potidea bridge. You will have to drive or walk more to the North in order to avoid the crowd during July and August.

2007: Barefooters who visited in September found this to be by far the best beach on/near that Peninsula. The beach stretches for several kilometres, heading east away from Nea Potidea, with the western part textile (mainly Greek families). Beyond the two beach bars near the watch tower, there was just a scattering of people - a few couples and single men, mainly nude. Lovely sandy/fine shingle (including into the water) and nice nude walks along the shoreline possible. The track which runs behind the beach is perfectly OK for a small car, and there are several access lanes down from the main road. They used the one marked "to the Wet Wet beach Bar" (which is next to the watch tower).


2016: Visited today 100 mtrs from watch tower only 2 couples at 10.30; by 12.00 we were the only naturists surrounded by textile families but no-one said anything and we all sunbathed and swam in harmony. Great beach.

2017: Visited today. After reaching the watch tower we had to drive back looking for an empty spot. There was only one more beach bar (named Mama B*tch) apart from the one near watch tower and 100 metres after that a quiet empty beach. We were there at 11 but after 1pm textiles started surrounding us. So try and go before afternoon.


2022 Visited today. Came in from nearer the town to the watch tower and followed the asphalt road round to the left alongside the beach. Went past what is labelled as Mojito on Google maps and turned on 3rd right track (Opposite Ammos House Seaview on GM) weather not great today so beach virtually deserted apart from a family some 100 yards away. Beach thin at this point with a little seaweed from storms. Water was shallow for a reasonable distance walking out.

2022 Quick update, went again today but in the more conventional spot to the right of the watch tower and about 100 yards past what I presume was a beach bar with sun beds etc. Initially had a spot all to ourselves with a solitary lady and a couple turning up later on, well spread out and all naturists. Beach quite good here and sea was nice and clear.


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