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2000 May: the end opposite to the taverna was 100% nude, mainly couples aged 30s to 50s, very uncrowded, very relaxed atmosphere. The side closer to the taverna is mainly textile, only few brave nudists. If the wind is blowing, forget about it or go on the rocks after the end of the beach where there are some secluded spots. Reports suggest that this is now one of the "in" beaches for nudism.

2002 August: A report says it's a beautiful beach, easy to reach, great scenery and clean water, and not too crowded, especially in the area towards the end, away from the taverna. Textile in the beginning of the beach (lots of topless), 95% naked at the end: couples aged 30-40 (gay and straight), also single men and some women (never more than 20 people overall). Very relaxing, made my contributor's girlfriend go nude for the first time with enthusiasm! However, some gawkers walk by, mainly Greek and Italians, but the beach is overall quiet and large enough to avoid close stares.

2004 October: A report described this as another windswept haven for naturists. A mix of Greek, French, German, Scandinavians, British, Americans all with the same thing on their minds - enjoy the natural beauty of the area. Weekends about 75% nude, weekdays 100% for most of the time. As it was virtually the end of the season my contributor and his wife were the only ones on the beach from 10:00 till about 12:30 when another couple turned up at the other end of the beach - it was still 100% nude!! Absolutely no hassle at all and not an eyelid batted even at the weekend.

2005 July: A report describes Panormos as the only good nudist beach found on Mykonos. In the nudist area it was 50/50 textile/nude, but only 6-7 nude couples on the nude part of the beach. The part close to the cool but expensive taverna is textile.

2007 July: A report says that the road to the beach has now been tarmacked.

2010 August: still a handful of nudists at the south end - the area next the taverna is packed solid with textiles.

2013 October: away from taverna end very special beach with mostly nudists. Good atmosphere - not noisy and plenty space.

2014 September: Another report says there is now a bus service to here and Ag Sostis, but didn't think the beach was anything special.

2019 May: Few nudists on one end of the beach which is wild and sandy, also dunes.
September: On the far end in direction to Ftelia, 3 straight couples and one gay couple were naked and three females went topless. Even closer to taverna, 2 females were using the sunbeds, topless. Perfect weather, no wind, nice sandy beach. Could walk naked along the beach in the far end.

2021 September: There is now a very expensive & noisy club (Principote) at one end of this beach and they are actively trying to discourage people from accessing it by making the entrance to the beach hidden. Note that there is no longer a bus service to this beach so you will need your own transport to get here.

See Photos Gallery for clarification images for the following directions....

From the main road drive turn in when you see the Principote sign (ignore the private area sign) and park in the first section of car park (public). Walk down to the Principote entrance (again ignore the private area signs). and just to the right of the extended reception/valet parking.  around the back is a footpath that leads to the beach.

Again ignore the (3rd) Private area sign. Note that there are no private beaches in Greece. If you walk down from the club there is still plenty of beach and in mid-Sep there were quite a few nudists from about half way along the beach to the end.

We have been coming here for 10+ years and still love it. No issues with nudity in Sep (I have heard stories that it isn't quite as liberal in high season since a lot of flights now come in from the Middle East). As with all beaches on the North coast best not to be there Mid - Jul - End Aug when the Meltemi winds blow. No shade or tavernas so take your own if you need it, unless you want to pay €20 for a bottle of water at Principote.


2022 September: Sadly it appears that the noisy club has got its way and bought all the land around this beach. The 'public' car park is no more and is now covered 'Valet Parking' with palm trees. That makes this beach almost inaccessible as there is no where to park. Although we didn't try it I suspect that you can get onto the far end of the beach either by walking past the front of the club or across fields having climbed down the steep hill from further back along the road. If you are in this part of the island then Agios Sostis is the next best option and where we spent most of our time this year.

2023 September: GREAT NEWS. The Principote club was closed this year and is currently knocking down some of the illegal building works. Story here and here. This means that the beach is back open for business. Tranquility restored (at least for this year). Parking is still a little tight but is possible around closer to the beach (near the Albatross hotel). Nudists scattered from about mid way down the beach to the end. No issues. This has been a big issue with the local Mykonians for many years and they are so happy that they might just be getting (some of) their island back.


1 review
  • Editor

    2024 September

    Well, Principote has re-opened but have pulled a lot of the building work down and it was quieter this year. It is pretty quiet if you walk down the beach to the far end.

    Nudism from about half way down. Pretty much the same as 2023. So quiet no one really disturbs you.

    Since the public car park is now part of Principote parking is more tricky but don’t be deterred. Basically parking is down one side of the road back up to the main road then walk to the beach and along the front of Principote. See attached drawing (in main Gallery) to show how far cars do park (also note the side of the road they are parked on).

    From N. by email

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