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East of Katelios at the level of Ratzakli, are Kaminia and Potomakia which are collectively known as Mouda. As reported above there is a rocky outcrop south of Skala at Cape Mouda where naturists congregate and it is possible to scramble from Katelios to Skala along the beach. Often people call this beach Mounda by misreading the Greek name Μουντα. the Greek letter nu (ν) followed by the letter tau (τ) provides the sound 'd' in roman letters so Μουντα must be translated as Mouda.

Sunbeds were immediately in front, and were often busy, but they headed south (left), keeping the sea on their right and headed toward the very southern tip of the Island. After about 400 metres the beach was fairly clear, and was generally only ever visited by other naturists. They settled at different spots all along this stretch. There was never anyone else within 50 metres, and a full mixture of "types": couples mainly, the odd single male, plus a full group of six people, 3 couples! Could be anything between 4 couples or 20 couples/singles depending on the day. They quite happily stayed from 10am until 9pm. It can get hot, so a brolly was useful. The sand was soft, and shelved slowly into the sea. No need for footwear either, as the sea bed was all sand. All in all, excellent.

Walking along the front at Katelios there is a clearly marked trail to the Turtle Beach over the headland. It's not for the fainthearted but reasonably easy for the experienced walker.

It should be noted that both Kaminia and Potomakia are nesting beaches for the Loggerhead Turtle and there is a local pressure group trying to halt the developments along this section of beach. Turtles used to nest at Skala but have been driven away by the developments there and locals whilst keen to enjoy the fruits of tourism are also anxious to conserve the Loggerhead Turtle. To that end illegal camping is discouraged and anyone doing so will be targeted by the Katelios Conservation Group; they also regularly patrol the beach to discourage beach barbecues and leaflet the sunbed users to educate them about the disturbance of the turtle nests. If parasols MUST be used only insert them into the beach near the water line. It is preferable not to use them at all. Also please take all litter away and knock down any sandcastles prior to leaving the beach.

This beach has the potential as a great naturist site as, by their very nature, people who like to go nude do so because of their appreciation of the environment. If more naturists use this beach it may affect the development plans of hoteliers etc…


2001 July: Potomakia was the best spot for unabashed naturism and several couples were seen here evey day. These are either walkers from Skala or, like my contributor, from Katelios. The beach can be reached by road down from Ratzakli to Kaminia then walk east beyond the sunbeds. A new hotel development t has gouged out a new road in the cliff and destroyed a large section of the sand dunes that back this beach. The best way to walk to Potomakia from Katelios is NOT along the road as it takes an hour and a half but along the beach.
2003 August: Despite the fears surrounding police activities at nearby Skala, Potomakia had a steady stream of naturists. This clean and pleasant beach with sand which gently shelves into warm shallow sea is excellent. The gentle, cooling sea breeze also makes it the perfect spot for sun-worshipping. In addition to my contributor and his partner, there were several families and numerous couples on the days they spent at Potomakia beach.

2008 June: Kaminia is a great shallow sandy beach that is popular with families and the beach is backed by new developments which threaten to spoil the area. Consequently there are also sunbeds and parasols here.

2015: 100% naturist all summer, mostly couples or small groups of friends, rarely families with children.

2017 May: Mounda beach had a few textiles near the hotel but beyond it there was no problem going nude and very few people going past. Those that were passing were almost always fellow naturists heading even further along the vast beach. Visited in June, Mouda beach is 100% naturist if you walk 2 minutes to the LEFT, there were about 30-40 people there, mostly couples. You can walk to the end, there is a sand cove, very pretty, [a] few single men there. Water is clear, beautiful, shallow, it can get a bit windy. We loved the beach. Late September: Just a few people on the beach and at the southern side almost all nude. Still one of the best naturist beaches in the Greek islands! Long may it remain so!


2018: Nothing changed. Very nice sandy beach. The sea was very clean and calm. The nudist section begins about 100-120m left after the end of parasols. We were there about 6-8 couples - heterosexual and a few homosexual plus 2-3 single men (late June). Some shy women stayed topless. It is common there all bathers walking until the end of the beach. Nude bathers walking totally naked as I did. At the end of the beach you can see tar but after 50-80m of tar is a very small cove with a little cave. This place is probably ideal for sexual activities though I didn't try it.

mid-July: went there on 3 different occasions. great beach, many nudists. you can walk nude until the left end of the beach (textile crowd also does it). August still nudist although not so many when we visited. Lots of textiles walking to the headland. I walked naked to the headland with no problems or gawking. One textile couple were obviously persuaded to give skinny dipping a go before dressing and walking back to the main textile area.

September: Hundreds of metres, if not a kilometre, of nude bliss. We visited this beach 3-4 times during our one and a half week stay at Kefalonia. Get there early to find a decent parking spot and the further you walk towards the end, the more nude couples you will find. We spent the whole day everytime we went there. Another report mentioned the cove at the end with the possibility of sexual activities taking place there. I do not expect that to happen while the weather is good, because there are too many people walking up and down the beach for such things. All in all this is a decent family beach with quite few gawkers. Yes, there are people walking up and down the beach fully clothed, but these can easily be beachgoers just like us who simply look for the perfect spot.

The beach itself is large and people are spread out. We never had anybody within 25 metres and later in the afternoon when the first people go home you get even more privacy. We loved it. Oh, and it is one of the few and best sandy beaches we ever encountered in Greece.

2019 September: Several visits to this lovely stretch of sand with excellent swimming. Lots of nudists - mainly heterosexual. My wife and I had several nude walks to the headland and back. Many people, naturists and textiles, walk along the beach and we were certainly not aware of any gawkers. Encouraging to see several nudist families as well as us slightly older naturists! Late September / early October: We have returned again and very happy to report no changes… Mouda Beach still is one of the best naturist beaches in Greece.

2022: End of July, early August: Mouda is a perfect nudist beach. The nude section starts where the hotel fence ends, after that it's 100% nude, with only few topless women. On our both visits on the nudist part there were about 5-10 couples even 2 families with kids. Sometimes couples from the textile part came, undressed, swim for half an hour then went back. A few textiles strolled to the end of the beach, but no one cared about nudity. The water was super warm, the sand is excellent, couldn't be any better. Highly recommended.

September/October: The main road down to Mounda beach is very steep, but on foot we found it easier to use a footpath from a dirt road off the Skala-Ratzakli road.
The “Footpath” app shows two paths leading down to the southern part of the beach (the part with the prelapsarian dress code). In October 2022 there was a large, white shipping container at the top of the first of these and there was a small amount of parking space. However this path is murderously steep and has soft sand right to the top. We preferred the second path, about a hundred yards further on, going down beside a fenced field. Even this path is not without its tricky parts, but it is firm underfoot for much of the way down, and generally less steep.
Of Mounda beach itself, there is nothing we can add to other people's reports: peaceful, beautiful, idyllic.


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